Archive | August, 2020

HAWA YOU Fitness Courses

31 Aug

Introducing Matthew Gloss. Matt is busy creating some great courses for the HAWA YOU Wellness School. His courses range from short 15 minute Fitness Snack Breaks to Kettlebell Flow. Mom’s might enjoy his Mommy & Me Monday workout. And all of us could use his Bodyweight HIIT course! I for one can’t wait to workout with Matt starting in October when we launch HAWA YOU! #hawayou #hawahealth #elearningcourses #elearningdevelopment #enrichment #elearningsolutions #fitnessmotivation #workout #exercise #wellness #elearning #healthandwellness

New Cancer Support Class

30 Aug

Starting in October, HAWA Health will be providing Cancer Support Classes for HAWA Members and their family.

On New Years Eve of 2019, I was in the hospital receiving tests that would later confirm my diagnosis of Breast Cancer. I left the hospital that day knowing my next step of discovery was to have biopsies of tumors they could see and I could feel. In my mind, I had already diagnosed myself, but you always hope your gut is wrong, the test are wrong and my life is NOT about to flip upside down. Unfortunately my gut was right, the biopsies confirmed my tumors were malignant. A word no one wants to hear, but too many of us do. In January of 2020 I was diagnosed with cancer. I needed support then and still need it now. This NEW HAWA YOU Cancer Support Class is for me and YOU, as we work through the Cancer Journey together. Family members are welcome to join you as we talk through our stories, challenges, support ideas and cheer each other on and through this life changing diagnoses.

Introducing Chef Eli Renn

23 Aug

Starting in October, Chef Eli Renn will be teaching HAWA Members how to stock their pantry with healthy food to feed YOU and your family this Fall. He will also be teaching healthy cooking classes for YOU and your family. Look for details about Chef Eli’s HAWA YOU courses when we invite you to attend The HAWA You School this Fall. It will be fun and delicious as you virtually cook along side Chef Eli Renn.

Coming Soon – HAWA You e-Learning

17 Aug

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I am excited to share the news that the HAWA Health Team is developing a NEW e-Learning Platform for all of our members and their family! We are so excited to be offering this new service in October. We will be posting updates for you and share information on some of the Educators, Trainers, Nutritionist, Chef’s, Artists, and featured guests that will be teaching in the NEW HAWA You school. We will also have special support classes, like the one I’ll be moderating, The Cancer Support Class. Keep checking back for more updates on the HAWA You classes.