Archive | October, 2016

Signs of an Emergency

25 Oct


Unusual Sounds

• Screaming, moaning or yelling for help

• Sudden loud noises

• Unusual silence

Unusual Sights

• Downed electrical wires

• Sparks, smoke or fire

• Signs or symptoms of illness such as profuse sweating or uncharacteristic skin color

Unusual Odors

• A foul or unusually strong chemical odor

• The smell of smoke

• The smell of gas

• An unrecognizable odor

• An inappropriate odor (ex: a sickly sweet odor on a person’s breath)

Unusual Behaviors

• Confusion in a person who is normally alert

• Unusual drowsiness

• Personality or mood changes

Prevent Back Pain and Injury

22 Oct


Your back is made of bones, muscles, and other tissues extending from your neck to your pelvis. Back injuries can result from sports injuries, work around the house or in the garden, or a sudden jolt such as a car accident. The lower back is the most common site of back injuries and back pain.

Common back injuries include:
• Sprains and strains
• Herniated disks
• Fractured vertebrae

These injuries can cause pain and limit your movement. Treatments vary but might include medicines, icing, bed rest, heat, physical therapy, or surgery. You might be able to prevent some back injuries by maintaining a healthy weight, strengthening your core muscles, lifting objects with your legs, and using lower-back support when you sit.
Lifting and Bending the Right Way

Many people injure their backs when they lift objects. When you reach your 30’s, you are more likely to hurt your back when you bend to lift something up or put it down.

As we get older our muscles and ligaments become less flexible. And, the disks that act as cushions between the bones of our spine become more brittle as we age. All of these things make us more prone to having a back injury.

How you can Prevent Injury
Know how much you can safely lift. If your work requires you to do lifting that  you feel may not be safe for your back, talk to your supervisor. Try to determine the most weight you are required to lift. You may need to meet with a physical therapist or occupational therapist to learn how to safely lift this amount of weight.

To help prevent back pain and injury when you bend and lift:
• Spread your feet apart to give your body a wide base of support
• Stand as close as possible to the object you are lifting
• Bend at your knees, not at your waist or back
• Tighten your stomach muscles as you lift the object up or lower it down
• Hold the object as close to your body as you can
• Slowly lift, using your muscles in your hips and knees
• As you stand up with the object, DO NOT bend forward
• DO NOT twist your back while you bend to reach the object, lift the object, or carry the object
• Squat as you set the object down, using the muscles in your knees and hips. Keep your back straight when you squat down.

Stay Safe at Work

5 Oct


Staying safe at work is very important. If you don’t work in a safe way, you can get hurt or become sick. The good news is that there are things you can do both at work and at home to lower your chances of getting hurt.

Take these steps to prevent injuries at work:

• Lift things safely.
• Arrange your equipment to fit your body.
• Take short breaks and stretch.
• Wear protective equipment.
• Ask about health resources at work.

Your overall health can also affect how you feel and perform at work. To be able to work safely, it’s important for you to:

• Get enough sleep.
• Eat a healthy diet.
• Stay active.
• Watch your weight.
• Take steps to manage stress.

Article Published by: MedlinePlus